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How am I supposed to do things like moving furniture around or give the faun orders to shower or use the toilet? Unless there's some bind I'm unaware of, I can only hope the faun moves somewhere convenient since the camera follows her religiously.

That's a bug.

Its been fixed now. Thank you for letting me know :)

And just for reference the camera can be moved by dragging with the (left mouse button) / finger or using A & D on the keyboard (Left shift speeds it up).

Is the demo a public version?

Yes, anyone can download the demo. The demo is currently the same version as the payed one.

not a bad adjustment for a first patch, but it's still not quite there.  fights are still too much cost for too little return.

things were starting to feel about right for a starting point with all stats at 12, but fighting a single wolf still cost more than it paid out - if i were to be trying to keep hunger and thirst above the minimum.

unfortunately, i'm stuck in another death loop.  the boss biome showed up and cleared off any other selection at ~day 22.  if the partial payout of 6 gold is anything to go by, i'm nowhere near being able to take one one of the turtle monsters.

this effectively ends the game.

That's a bug. :/

Dying to the demons is supposed to end the game.

After dying to the demons its supposed to reset the game where you get to keep 90% of your collected gold.

Including some gold from previous runs.

i cant beat any enemies at all, even with 2 level ups the enemies are far too tanky? 

Sorry about that, I'm working on an update that lowers there hp and gives more hp regen and gold to the player.
It should be available by tomorrow.

What are the kinks you plan to put in this game?

The current plans are:

Beach biome(Next Friday Update).

  Lewd encounter: Tentacle of some kind. either a shell creature or octopus.

  Lewd adventure: Likely a mermaid.

Halloween Event(Date not decided).

  Lewd encounter: pumpkin head. 

  Lewd adventure: either a jack o lantern horse man or a ghost, maybe something else I'm not decided yet and am open to suggestions.

There is also a planed end screen when losing to the demons. That will likely be a tentacle scene or bondage. not sure when it will be done yet.

not a bad concept, but the first two enemies are /way/ too powerful and pretty much always result in a death loop.

That's a good point. I'll make a hot fix to scale back there difficulty a bit.

I'll also see about adding another way to make some gold separate from the encounters in case they get to difficult. But that will be in the next update on Friday.

thanks for the timely response.

another possible solution is to make upgrades into an activity, rather than a one time thing.  perhaps each level of the upgrade could max at a set attribute value, and maybe even have a different animation associated with it.

I like it. :D

Then the gold would go to upgradeing the gym equipment to unlock a higher max cap for the stat. Rather than upgrading the character directly.

I'll add it to the list, it likely wont show up for a while tho, next couple of weeks are going to be hectic.